Barbed Wire Project: Tremere

Deck Name: Barbed Wire Project — Tremere
Created By: Preston Poulter
Description: “Light as air. Stronger than whiskey. Cheaper than dirt.”

Crypt: (12 cards)

2x Cassandra – Magus Prime
2x Ulugh Beg
2x Lydia Van Cuelen
1x Merill Molitor
1x Ignatius
2x Aleph
1x Roreca Quaid
1x Dr. John Casey

Library: (60 cards)

Master: (10 cards)
3x Thaumaturgy
2x Protracted Investment
2x Haven Uncovered
1x Chantry
1x Mob Connections
1x Metro Underground

Action: (3 cards)
1x Rutor’s Hand
2x Govern the Unaligned

Combat: (17 cards)
5x (Blood Rage/Blood Fury)
5x Theft of Vitae
4x Trap
3x Walk of Flame

Reaction: (23 cards)
4x Enhanced Senses
2x Redirection/Mumur of the False Will
4x Sprit’s Touch
3x Telepathic Counter
6x Telepathic Misdirection
4x Wake with Evening’s Freshness

Equipment: (7 cards)
4x Flak Jacket/IR Goggles
1x Hawg
1x Phased Motion Detector
1x Pier 13, Port of Baltimore

Strategy Notes:

  • The Tremere discipline spread makes for a challenging clan. They have dominate, for large bleeds, but no stealth. They have Thaumaturgy for combat, but no other supporting combat discipline. I feel the Tremere need to have a strong combat package because it discourages others from blocking your actions, while allowing you to max imize your damage when you block their actions. A fair amount of equipment is typically required to support a thaumaturgy combat package, which is what you see in this deck. The Pier 13, is a equipment/location that, once equipped, allows you to automatically equip equipment cards from your hand.
  • This deck wants to burn lots of of opposing minions. Burning a vampire requires you to deliver 2 points of aggravated damage (via Walk of Flames) to a vampire who does not have any blood at all. Typically the best way to do this is via Trap, which will force combat to continue round after round and then to use Theft of Vitae to remove all the blood from the opposing vampire, and then nex t round use Walk of Flames to burn the opposing minion. The Hawg and Mob Connections are powerful in this deck because of how 2nd round focused the combat tends to be.
  • I’ve loaded this deck with a LOT of intercept. It should be able to catch any bleeders that dare come at you and, even better, occasionally redirect them towards your prey.